U.S. Small Business Administration Luncheon: The Five C's of Credit
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Presenting Sponsor
Ticket Capacity: 8 attendees
Premier table reserved for 8 guests, logo/name displayed at reserved table, logo/name printed on the front cover of the event program, recognition as presenting sponsor during the event, exclusive photo opportunities with luncheon speaker after the event, verbal recognition throughout the event as presenting sponsor, and prominent logo recognition on the event webpage.
Member Price
Presenting Sponsor
Ticket Capacity: 8 attendees
Premier table reserved for 8 guests, logo/name displayed at reserved table, logo/name printed on the front cover of the event program, recognition as presenting sponsor during the event, exclusive photo opportunities with luncheon speaker after the event, verbal recognition throughout the event as presenting sponsor, and prominent logo recognition on the event webpage.
Standard Price
Table Sponsor
Ticket Capacity: 8 attendees
Table reserved for 8 guests, logo/name displayed at reserved table, logo/name included in the printed event program, verbal recognition throughout the event, business/individual name included on the event webpage.
Member Price
Table Sponsor
Ticket Capacity: 8 attendees
Table reserved for 8 guests, logo/name displayed at reserved table, logo/name included in the printed event program, verbal recognition throughout the event, business/individual name included on the event webpage.